Anniversary Apology

Normal service will resume shortly.

Anniversary Apology

Maybe it's a May thing.

Exactly one year ago this week, I announced the launch of this newsletter and immediately had to postpone its first edition because I contracted COVID.

And this week, just as everyone's subscriptions start renewing -- and thank you all for sticking around, truly -- the issues I was planning to write get pushed to the side by a family thing that's swallowed Kate's and my every waking hour.

We're okay, but it's been rough, and the time I budgeted to spend with the new Criterion editions of Targets and Petit Maman had to be dedicated to other things. Mostly driving.

Anyway, I'll make it up to you soon and I'll leave you with a fun Johnny Cash singalong opportunity:

Early one morning, while taking the air / I found a bag of cocaine and I fed it to a bear

Take it! We'll talk soon.

- N.

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