Coming Attractions: May 29, 2022
Here's what you're missing in this week's edition of Shiny Things.

Hi, free subscribers! This is your weekly tease about what's coming in tomorrow's paid edition of Shiny Things.
I'll be writing about the specific genius of Ray Liotta, and what we've lost with his death at age 67 – which, to be honest, feels shockingly premature to me – and looking at a few recent Criterion 4K and Blu-ray releases, starting with the really lovely new edition of Double Indemnity hitting shelves on Tuesday. And then there's Paramount's 35th anniversary 4K release of The Untouchables, a film that occupies a very strange space in blockbuster cinema.
You'd want to read about that, right? It's easy! Just level up to a paid subscription, and you'll get it all – as well as access to all the earlier editions of the newsletter online. I mean, I think it's worth five bucks a month.
See you there,
- N.