Weekend Update

In which Norm apologizes for the delay.

Hey! So you know how this newsletter has been kind of intermittent over the last couple of months? It's because, in addition to all the work and family stuff I've been doing, I've had to go from this:

... to this:

Kate and I are moving across town on Friday, which has meant staging (see above)  and storing and selling and packing the rest of our stuff, including what turned out to be some 3,000 Blu-rays and maybe another 3,600 DVDs. It's meant I haven't had quite as much time to watch things this month, and I definitely haven't had the time to write about them. Also every muscle in my arms, legs and back is currently on fire.

I'm hoping to get an edition out this week, but if I don't please accept my apologies and I'll be back to a normal publishing schedule very soon. Everything will be fine, I promise. Also, come to TIFF in September! That's the other other thing I do, and it's going to be so very good.

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